Tuesday, April 24 was Teach Children to Save Day! MVSB celebrated by inviting parents to bring their children into their local MVSB office to have Pick Pigs™ – a story about saving, sharing and spending – read to them by the office managers at each of the Bank’s 11 locations. Across all of our branch offices, MVSB office managers read the story to more than 50 children.
Pick Pigs™ is geared toward children ages 3-7. In the story, Julia learns examples of saving, sharing and spending from friends, neighbors and family members. She then picks which of her three Pick Pigs™ piggy banks – saving, sharing or spending – to put her money in.
Each child who attended a reading left the Bank with the story, as well as the three Pick Pigs™ piggy banks, so that they, too, could begin to make decisions about saving, sharing and spending.
Charleen Hughes (left), Assistant Vice President, Branch and Business Development Manager at MVSB’s Route 104 office in Meredith, and Becky Reposa (center), Branch Services Supervisor at MVSB’s Route 104 office in Meredith, read Pick Pigs to a group of children at Kidworks Learning Center to celebrate Teach Children to Save Day. The Bank also held readings of the book at each of our 11 offices. Also pictured is Kidworks student Molly Reposa (right).