Thank you to the local community for their generous support with our annual “Mitten Tree” program. Local residents donated 1,503 mittens, hats and scarves which were in turn distributed to those in need in our region. In addition, the Bank contributed a total of $3006 – $2 per item donated – to local non-profits.
Each of our 11 offices accepted and proudly displayed handmade or purchased mittens, hats and scarves during the four weeks preceding Christmas. The donated items were given to local schools and non-profits for distribution to our local community.
Non-profit organizations benefiting from the program this year fell into 3 different categories. Each person donating warm winter wearable’s selected the category for the associated $2 donation. As a result, $1108 went to local senior service organizations, $366 was allotted to local humane societies and $1532 was distributed to local food pantries.
Due to the continued need of our local food pantries, community members are asked to donate funds at their closest MVSB office. The MVSB Fund – has pledged to match up to $15,000 of the total funds collected between January 1 and February 15, 2013.