Meredith Village Savings Bank (MVSB) pledged to purchase $50,000 in New Hampshire business tax credits from Lakes Region Community Developers (LRCD) to support Harriman Hill Homes, a development of 20 affordable starter homes in Wolfeboro, NH. The proceeds of LRCD’s tax credit sales will offset the cost of the road, water and sewer infrastructure for the development so that the homes can be sold for around $200,000 to first-time buyers who make less than 120% of the area median income, which is $83,000 for a family of four. LRCD still has $150,000 in tax credits to sell by March 30, […]
Archives for 2019
New Mastercard® Identity Theft Benefits for Debit Cardholders
Mastercard® is offering new identity theft benefits to cardholders in addition to their current purchase protection and travel benefits. Beginning October 1, 2019, MVSB debit cardholders have the option to enroll in Mastercard® ID Theft Protection. This new benefit includes:Single bureau credit monitoring from TransUnion. Your TransUnion credit file will be monitored for changes that could indicate fraud such as new credit inquiries, an address change or new credit account opened in your name. An alert email will be sent anytime an inquiry is made on your TransUnion credit file, so immediate action can be taken to minimize damage. Financial […]
MVSB Celebrates 150th Birthday on September 21. Everyone is Invited!
Meredith Village Savings Bank (MVSB) is celebrating the Bank’s 150th anniversary with a big birthday bash for the local community at Hesky Park in Meredith on Saturday, September 21st from 3 to 8 PM. The celebration, which is open to everyone in the community free of charge, will kick off at 3 PM with music from John Davidson and the David Lockwood Band. Also at 3 PM, Mo the Clown will make balloon animals and various local nonprofits will serve popcorn and cotton candy. MVSB employees will be nearby to hand out giveaways, and maybe even some cash, to attendees! […]
MVSB Donates $25,000 to the Hart Family Memorial Skate Park
Meredith Village Savings Bank (MVSB) has contributed $25,000 to the Hart Family Memorial Skate Park. The gift will go toward the rehabilitation and renovation of the Skate Park, formerly known as the Glenn Hart Memorial Skate Park. Glenn Hart, a beloved member of the Lakes Region community and former co-owner of Hart’s Turkey Farm Restaurant in Meredith, passed away in 1998. Construction for the original Skate Park completed in 2003 from the memorial fund that was created in his honor. Although it has contributed many years of joy to the community, the passing of time has not been kind to […]
New Hampshire Mutual Bancorp Celebrates Local Employees
Meredith Village Savings Bank, Merrimack County Savings Bank, Savings Bank of Walpole and MillRiver Wealth Management recently invited valued employees to a celebration of their successes at the McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center in Concord, NH. Also in attendance were the employees of New Hampshire Mutual Bancorp who provide support services to the affiliated local community financial institutions. Sixty of 475 employees were recognized for their commitment to the organization. New Hampshire Mutual Bancorp (NHMB), a mutual holding company, was formed in 2013 when two New Hampshire-based community banks, Meredith Village Savings Bank (MVSB) and Merrimack County Savings Bank (the Merrimack), formally […]
James D. Sutherland Memorial Scholarship Recipients Announced
Meredith Village Savings Bank (MVSB) is pleased to announce this year’s recipients of the James D. Sutherland Memorial Scholarship. The scholarship is awarded annually to one graduating senior from high schools located in towns where MVSB has a branch. This year’s recipients include:Emily Waite of Gilmanton, attending University of New Hampshire in Durham Jessica Braley of Center Harbor, attending University of Tampa in Florida Skyler Tautkus of Laconia, attending Southern NH University in Manchester Miranda Sturgeon of Moultonborough, attending Norwich University Grace Spence of Holderness, attending Pace University in New York City Madelyn Chase of Center Barnstead, attending University of […]
Protect Your Business From a Common Email Fraud
Our Risk Management department noted that we’ve recently heard from some of our business customers about an uptick in a very common business email compromise – when a hacker gains access to an email account and begins to send emails pretending to be the true email owner. Hackers often attach malicious content to the emails all in an attempt to get the victim to click on it to further perpetuate the fraud trend. Also, hackers use BECs as a way to trick victims into believing they are speaking with a known contact and attempt to persuade them into providing sensitive […]
Information on the Equifax Breach Settlement
You may remember that two years ago on July 29, 2017, one of the three top credit reporting companies was the victim of a major data breach. Equifax announced that the personal and financial information of approximately 148 million Americans had likely been compromised. Sensitive information included in the compromise included names, birthdates, addresses, credit card numbers, social security numbers, etc. Since Equifax receives information from financial institutions to determine credit scores, more than direct customers of Equifax are victims. If you have made any payment toward a loan or credit card previous to July 29, 2017, there is a […]
Capital One Data Breach Information
What happened? It is all too timely in light of the recent settlement talks of the 2017 Equifax breach, that it was disclosed this morning that Capital One has suffered a data breach. Between March 22nd and 23rd, 2019, a software engineer was able to access information to more than 100 million Capital One customers in the US and Canada. Those affected include anyone who obtained one of the company’s credit cards dating back to 2005. Information taken during the breach includes the data Capital One routinely collects at the time it receives credit card applications, including names, addresses, zip […]
Kathleen Doeg Joins as Vice President
Kathleen (“Kathy”) Doeg has joined Meredith Village Savings Bank (MVSB) as the Vice President of Business Development and Small Business Lending. Doeg, who is based in Meredith, will provide a full range of banking solutions to local business owners, municipalities and nonprofits. “I look forward to seeing how small business lending expands and evolves under Kathy’s leadership,” said Marcus Weeks, Senior Vice President and Retail Banking Officer. “Kathy brings drive and enthusiasm to the team. With more than 25 years of experience, she draws from her diverse background to provide the products and services that best meet the needs of […]