Eric MacDonald, MVSB Vice President Commercial Credit Manager and US Army Veteran, (third from right) presents a check at the future site of the Meredith Veterans Memorial at the Meredith Public Library to Humble Grunt Work members (from left) Lynn Leighton, Gary Dehnel, Fred Strader, Jim McFarlin, and Chuck Thorndike.
We are proud to support Humble Grunt Work with a $25,000 donation to support their capital campaign to build a new Meredith Veterans Memorial. The monument will be situated on the front lawn of the recently renovated Meredith Public Library and will feature the names of all Meredith residents who honorably served throughout all of the nation’s conflicts since the Revolutionary War.
The memorial will serve as a permanent reminder of Meredith’s long and proud heritage of veterans and will serve as the main site for Memorial and Veteran’s Day events in the town. It will be made of granite or a combination of granite/bronze with an accessible walkway, new flagpole, lighting, and granite benches.
“We have received overwhelming support from the town of Meredith and the local community to build this permanent memorial that will give future generations an opportunity to honor and remember our veterans,” said James McFarlin, Meredith Veterans Memorial Capital Campaign Chair. “With the support of talented local architect, Chris Williams, the memorial will also enhance Meredith Main Street and compliment the recent library renovations.”
“Humble Grunt Work is an invaluable community organization that does so much great work to recognize local veterans,” said Rick Wyman, MVSB President. “We are very proud to offer our support to this project honoring Meredith Veterans in such a beautiful and visible way, and we share our sincerest appreciation for their dedication and sacrifice.”
Humble Grunt Work is a local nonprofit with a mission to recognize and honor veterans through a variety of projects throughout New Hampshire. Go to humblegruntwork.org to learn more about the organization or to donate to the project.