From right, Jennifer Beetle, Greater Lakes Region Children’s Auction 2024 Community Challenge Chairperson, stands with Becky Reposa, AVP Branch & Business Development Officer of Gilford, and Jessica Ruel, Branch & Business Development Manager of Laconia, at Weirs Beach in front of the M/S Mount Washington.
Tickets are now available for the fourth annual Sweepstakes Social fundraiser held dockside aboard the M/S Mount Washington on Weirs Beach from 5:30-7:30 pm Sept. 13. Funds raised will benefit the Greater Lakes Region Children’s Auction.
We are proud to support the event with a $5,000 sponsorship.
“We have seen great success with the Sweepstakes Social the past few years and it’s so wonderful to see community members coming together to have fun and raise money that will support kid-focused nonprofits,” said Jennifer Beetle, Children’s Auction 2024 Community Challenge Chairperson. “We’ll be giving away $15,000 in cash prizes with matching amounts going to the Challenge Teams for a total of $30,000 awarded.”
“The Children’s Auction offers so much support to the nonprofits that serve children in our community, and this fundraiser is a unique and fun way that everyone can help give back,” said Jessica Ruel, MVSB Branch & Business Development Manager. “We hope to see everyone there.”
Only 300 tickets for $100 each will be sold. Each ticket includes admission for two, one sweepstakes entry, light appetizers, music, dancing and a cash bar. Go to bids.childrensauction.com/?page=community_challenge to learn more.