Members of the Moultonborough Women’s Club drop off mittens and hats to the staff at the MVSB Moultonborough Branch last December. The 2024 Mitten Tree Drive runs through Dec. 31.
The community is invited to drop off donations of mittens, hats, gloves and scarves during the MVSB annual Mitten Tree Drive now through New Year’s Eve. All donated items will be distributed to local schools and nonprofits. The Bank will also match each item collected with a $2 donation to local organizations that work to address childhood food insufficiency.
New, handmade or store-bought cold-weather accessories can be donated at any MVSB branch office. A complete list of offices and hours are available at mvsb.com/locations.
“This is our 45th year hosting this beloved tradition, and it has been such an impactful yet simple way that community members can give back to those in need throughout the winter season,” Stacy Trites, Senior Vice President, Senior Retail Banking Officer. “We are truly grateful for all the support we have received to warm hands and hearts.”
The Bank’s matching donation will benefit End 68 Hours of Hunger programs serving Alton, Exeter, North Conway, Portsmouth, Rochester and Wolfeboro, along with local Got Lunch! programs serving Gilford, Ashland & Holderness, Inter-Lakes, Laconia and Plymouth.