For important information about borrowing from the value of your home, please click here to view the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s “What You Should Know about Home Equity Lines of Credit Brochure”.
We offer several different Home Equity Line of Credit options based on your credit score and the purpose – if it will be used as a Primary or Secondary Residence vs Investment property.
While we have not pulled your credit score yet, we would like to share with you our Home Equity Line of Credit Important Terms disclosures, which you will find below. If you are familiar with your credit score, please select the disclosure which would pertain to your situation. If you are not familiar with your score, please review each of the disclosure relevant to borrowing funds from a Primary/Secondary home or an Investment Property.
Primary Homes
Loan Amount of $10,000 – $200,000:
Credit scores 699 or below would be subject to additional underwriting guidelines and credit exception approval.
Secondary Homes
Loan Amount of $10,000 – $200,000:
Credit scores 699 or below would be subject to additional underwriting guidelines and credit exception approval.
Investment Property:
Loan Amount of $10,000 – $200,000:
Credit scores 699 or below would be subject to additional underwriting guidelines and credit exception approval.
Once your application has been submitted, your Mortgage Loan Officer(s) will order your credit report and work with you to determine the proper program for you. Your initial disclosure package will contain the specific disclosure that pertains to your program.